
Bringing the taste of a new blend to their most loyal customers.
Costa Panel Photo




Costa had been serving its Mocha Italia blend for 44 years. But people were becoming more educated and had more choice. To keep up with customers more sophisticated palates, Costa launched Old Paradise – a series of limited edition roasts. They need to get people talking about it and trying the new blend.



Costa segmented their Coffee Club CRM database by value and behaviour. Their most loyal customers were mailed a premium pack with samples of the new blend to trial at home and a gift card inviting them to trial the new roast early. All other segments received a multivariable, personalised email programme to drive trial.



Costa harnessed the power of customer loyalty and created a sense of exclusivity. 870,000 cups of Old Paradise were sold in total with 68% of these coming from coffee club members (a 28% increase in usual sales) The campaign’s £387,685 incremental revenue led to an impressive ROMI of 2.3.


Source: Costa, DMA Award Winner, Silver


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