
A missed delivery mailing showed lapsed customers what Sky wouldn't be delivering.
Sky (Missed Delivery) Panel Photo


The C5, ‘business-as-usual’ mailing for Sky’s Winback had proved fairly effective but it was clear that many lapsed customers were ignoring it.


Sky’s hard to miss mailing didn’t look like any previous mailing. A subverted, personalised, missed-parcel style postcard reminded ex-customers of what they wouldn’t miss if they returned.

On the front was the message: “Delivery attempt from Sky’. The copy on the back explained - ‘Sorry we’ve been unable to deliver you unmissable Sky shows.’ The pack drove traffic to the call centre rather than online, making conversions more likely.


Sky saw a 33% increase in ex-customers returning to Sky giving the campaign a 6:1 return on investment. At 2p per piece it was Sky Winback’s least expensive mailing.


Source: DMA Awards 2020. Winner Silver (Best Use of Mail)

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