Mail In The Middle

Discover how mail can help marketers positively influence the ‘Messy Middle’ of consumer decision making

Mail in the middle report

If like some marketers you think the marketing funnel is linear, well think again. In today’s dynamic business environment, many of the customer journeys marketers have to navigate are much more complicated than ever before. We often think about getting from a to b, but what about the bit in between. The middle is the place where 16x more sales can be attributed by marketers*. Google describes this sweet spot as the ‘Messy Middle’ and what an apt name for all those complex decisions consumers have to make. For example choosing a holiday or a new mobile phone provider, or switching energy suppliers. Phew, we all know what this can be like. Decisions, decisions.

We’ve partnered with Behavioural Science expert Mark Earls to help you make those tricky consumer decisions, easier.  In this report Mark digs deep into the complexities of human behaviour and brings his perspective on shaping decisions and mail’s role as a physical and tactile influencer. It’s a must read.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Why 90% of our decisions are emotionally led
  • The complex questions that consumers are grappling with when trying to make decisions
  • How marketers can make the consumer decision making process easier for consumers by reducing friction points
  • How marketers can use mail to achieve the right behavioural and commercial outcomes
  • Brands successfully using mail to deliver excellent results
  • Why mail builds consumer trust, physically put a brand’s message into consumers hands and delivers results  

*The Importance of Mid-funnel Marketing, Google.

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