
A die cut door drop delivered results that popped
Pringles brochure


The UK Government’s HFSS legislation left Pringles facing a challenge. The brand sought alternative ways to get on people’s shopping lists.


Shifting their focus from in-store targeting, Pringles strategically reached consumers at home through door drops – precisely where shopping lists are crafted. The campaign focussed on two key segments: existing buyers identified through Kantar data and the brand's target audience (identified by CSS data).

A comprehensive strategy was devised - leveraging data-driven audience segmentation, store selection based on sales performance and couponing. It was aimed at driving purchase consideration outside of the store environment. 

To pinpoint optimal product distribution locations, Pringles analysed six months of sales data, selecting Sainsbury’s and Tesco stores with solid sales baselines and growth potential. Proximity to postcodes over-indexing with MOSAIC types closely matching the target audience’s demographics and psychographics further informed data selection.

The next step was to design a door drop that had true impact and stood out from other mailings on the doormat. The creative approach leveraged the distinctive tube shape of the iconic Original Pringles can to create an A4 die-cut booklet.

Given that Pringles is a premium product in its category, the brand aimed to incentivise shoppers to purchase by incorporating a generous 50p coupon within the door-drop. Rather than revealing the coupon value on the front, the messaging cleverly stated 'MONEY OFF INSIDE,' fostering intrigue and compelling recipients to open the door-drop.

The inside pages showcased the wider range of Pringles flavours available to shoppers, while aligning with above-the-line ‘Mind Popping’ executions also live at the time.


Pringles’ eye-catching door drop delivered tasty results, generating exceptionally strong sales uplifts and coupon redemptions.


Source: DMA Award Winner 2023 Gold, Best use of Unaddressed Print

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