Man leaping in red hoodie
Man leaping in red hoodie

See revenue soar with mail

Picture a media strategy where your messages don't just engage, but actually deliver solid commercial results. Each channel plays a unique role in a brand's media mix, and mail's role is to cut-through and connect with audiences. It delivers strong results while boosting the performance of other media channels. Many marketers have already unleashed the magic of mail to captivate their audience and drive an increase in market share, revenue, and customer loyalty. 

Leading senior marketers on why they use direct mail

Some top marketing leaders and senior advertising professionals talk about the unique role mail plays in a brand’s media mix.

The best brands choose mail because it delivers

Leading brands like Google, Specsavers and HelloFresh use mail to deliver strong commercial results. Many marketers even call it a 'game-changer'. Did you know campaigns with mail in the mix are 52% more likely to report ROI benefits1? Campaigns are also 75% more likely to report profit uplifts2 and 65% more likely to report market share uplifts3 when mail is included. In today's fragmented media landscape, that's a huge competitive edge.

By tapping into this tactile channel, you can bring your brand to life, creating campaigns that personally connect with consumers and spark real, measurable growth for your business. 

Source: 1,2,3 - 'WARC Driving Effectiveness with Direct Mail’ 2021

Campaigns with mail in the mix are 52% more likely to report ROI benefits

Mail delivers meaningful commercial results

A whopping 95% of mail is engaged with

People engage with mail like no other communication channel

Over 30m UK households can be reached using mail

Take your pick of 32 million households

33% commercial results icon

Commercial actions include making a purchase, going online or using a voucher

direct mail banner

Find out how to make a physical impact in a digital world

Partnering with WARC, we've created a report that spotlights UK case studies proving the power of direct mail in today's media mix. With people spending more time at home, direct mail's physical impact can be a game-changer for brands who are looking to achieve strong results.

This report highlights direct mail's unique role in driving ROI and growth, along with its creative, digital integration, and measurement opportunities. Discover insights from brands like Sky, IKEA, Jaguar Land Rover, Direct Line, and more.

Download the report for free

Hello Fresh home movers make a fresh start direct mail

HelloFresh has recipe for winning new customers using targeted direct mail

HelloFresh significantly expanded its customer base by effectively targeting Homemovers with direct mail. Partnering with PSE, they used Royal Mail Homemover data in their September direct mail campaign.

Key to this success were unique QR codes and interactive voucher cards, driving customers online to explore HelloFresh’s offerings. This innovative strategy led to a 64.5% uplift in response rates and a 26% improvement in CPA. This success has made Homemover targeting a year-round strategy for attracting new customers.

Princess Cruises leaflet

Princess Cruises makes a splash with door drops

Princess Cruises used door drop advertising to make a splash in the competitive cruise industry. By sending beautifully designed catalogues to high-potential households, they showcased their exceptional onboard experiences and unique destinations. These catalogues, with compelling visuals and QR codes, captured attention and drove readers online to explore more.

Their strategy included limited-time offers and helpful information about cruising and destinations, ensuring potential customers were inspired and informed. The January launch was perfectly timed for peak booking season. The results? A whopping £1.5 million in sales and an ROI of £20.10 for every £1 spent.

Virgin media leaflet

Virgin Media tackles high customer churn with data-driven mail

Virgin Media tackled high customer churn by redefining value through a tailored direct mail campaign. Research revealed that discounts alone wouldn't change perceptions, so they upgraded 91,000 high-risk customers’ packages with extra benefits. The campaign, featuring a distinctive red envelope and the message 'Just because,' effectively conveyed genuine value.

This strategy significantly reduced churn and achieved a remarkable return on marketing investment (ROMI) of 179:1, showcasing the effectiveness of targeted direct mail in enhancing customer retention.

The channel that senior marketing leaders swear by

Find out how you can start improving your marketing results with mail.
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Join thousands of brands already unleashing the magic of mail