Gothenburg Homeless Aid

Homeless letters boost donations and raise awareness.
Gothenburg Homeless Aid Panel Photo - Letters


Because people tend to give more to those less fortunate than themselves at Christmas, it is a very important time for Gothenburg homeless aid. It is when the charity hopes to get much of its funding for the year ahead.


It's hard to get people's attention with charity campaigns and even harder at Christmas. To make the letter stand out in the avalanche of Christmas cards, the agency, before mailing it, let the letter spend a night on the Streets. The letter experienced the same wet and cold as the homeless of Gothenburg - and it looked it.


In total, 22% of recipients donated an average of €29 (up on previous results when 15% of recipients donated an average of €21). As a whole, the campaign raised €163,000, a lot for a relatively small city.

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