P&O Ferries

Words roamed across the page, catching and holding the attention of the recipient.
PO Wandering Words


With a UK ferry market under pressure from increased activity from budget airlines, P&O needed to ensure its customers and prospects were clear on the benefits they could bring. It was time to make ferry travel feel aspirational and special again.


Rather than sell a ferry, P&O, and their agency MRM/McCann, sold the freedom that taking your own car gives you. A new audience was targeted: "Active Explorers". They prided themselves on going off the beaten track. A simple letter - with no destination imagery – told a story of how wonderful and unexpected things can happen when you go with the flow. The freedom starts the moment you step on a P&O ferry. The copy was set free, roaming even to the back of the letter. The tone was full of charm and intrigue.


The mailing received a response rate of 10% and an ROI of £44. Notable as there was no offer. The week the letter dropped, P&O saw a 9.6% uplift in sales and 15.5% uplift in revenue (YOY).

Source: WARC/DMA Silver Winner, Best Use of Mail

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