
Mail engaged Sky’s current customers to promote the brand to new customers.
Sky leaflet "Friends and Family Exclusives"


Sky knew the power referrals had in driving sales. They hypothesised that a customer who had benefitted from a good offer through a friend or family member they trusted was more likely to want to spread that further.



Sky targeted customers who had joined Sky, via the Staff Friends and Family referral programme, within the last 12 months – so referral would be front of mind. They mirrored the unique offer in value and creative look and feel. Referrers were rewarded with the opportunity to win an iPad mini. And tear off vouchers attached to the mailing provided a neat mechanic that communicated all the necessary information - making it easy to refer a friend.



The cost per acquisition was the lowest seen from any previous Referrals communications and total sales reached a Referrals record level.


Source: Sky - DMA Award Winner Bronze


Did you know a whopping 99% of Customer Mail is engaged with, 71% say they trust it and 43% leads to a commercial action such as going online or making a purchase? New ground-breaking research written with Accenture gives an in-depth review of CX and multi-channel communications, including Customer Mail. Download the full report here.

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