
Royal Mail is rapidly decarbonising its distribution fleet, switching to renewable energy and using more electric vehicles. Not forgetting last mile delivery by posties on foot.

Mail is on a Journey to decarbonise

Reduce is a process to minimise the impact and inputs of operations. For mail, carbon emissions can be reduced by using renewable, clean energy to power deliveries or reducing the amounts of ink and paper in production. A Royal Mail spokesman explains the steps being taken to reduce the inputs and impacts of its operations. 

In our commitment to sustainability, we have achieved several milestones:

  • 8% lower total carbon footprint compared to 2020-21

  • Royal Mail average emissions per parcel: 200 gCO2e, industry lowest

  • 27% less waste created compared to 2020-21
  • 10 million litres of biofuel deployed in our trucks
  • 100% renewable electricity in our buildings
  • Around 5,000 electric vans deployed, with an extra 2,100 planned over the next year

Find out about Royal Mail’s emission targets and initiatives such as the deployment of 10 million litres of biofuel in its trucks last year [7]. For the full Royal Mail 2023/2024 ESG report see here.


Car wheel


At Royal Mail, we're building on the green benefits of our 'feet on the street' model and reducing our emissions by transitioning 100% of our delivery fleet to electric vehicles by 2035. We have already deployed around 5,000 electric vans.

Matt Gower, Head of ESG



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