Tools that support that support data-driven mail campaigns
Tools that support that support data-driven mail campaigns
Enriching and leveraging your data is key to building better communications with your customers and prospects as well as giving you an opportunity to get ahead of the competition.
The key is to understand which tools are on the market, and which you could use for specific tasks. This isn’t easy because there are so many available and they apply to a range of abilities from data scientists to marketers.

Data analysis tools and software
No matter what your existing level of knowledge or expertise is, there will be something that can be used to analyse and draw insights from your data.
Some of these tools can handle statistical analysis based on relatively simple input instructions. In many cases, results are displayed in a dashboard, map, table or graph format and are available to export - arming you with additional knowledge for your marketing campaigns.
Examples of such tools include Tableau, Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, SQL, Python and CRM systems.
Visualising customer locations with mapping software
Data mapping is used to visualise data formats to give a clear illustration of what the data is telling you. In other words, putting your customers on a map so you can quickly and easily see where they are.
Data visualisation helps to easily identify trends and outliers in the data. This allows you to achieve better targeting of marketing campaigns to your customers.
Using data appending to enhance your data
This is the process of adding appropriate extra information to your existing customer data. It usually consists of additional details to those already held. For example, email addresses, mobile phone numbers, age, income etc.
Additional data helps you to ensure customer records are as detailed and matched to your needs as required. Just because data could be appended, doesn’t mean it should be, remember to remain compliant.
Data cleansing for accurate records
The importance of keeping your data clean cannot be overstated. Getting a customer’s details incorrect can cause offence, loss of loyalty and can result in your marketing not reaching its target audience at all.
For example, when people move home or pass away this often results in inaccurate records. Goneaway and suppression services are available to assist you in ensuring your data remains accurate.
There are many services catering for data cleansing available in the marketplace. Popular examples include National Change of Address; Mailing Preference Service; and The Bereavement Register, but many others also exist.
Data providers in the marketplace
There are many organisations in the market that are set up to provide businesses with sources of data to help acquire customers.
Examples include Sagacity, Abacus, PDV, Experian, Acxiom, TransUnion and Data8. Statistical information from verified, national institutions - such as ONS and Census data - can also be invaluable.